Digital Branding

Brand Discovery and Research

Brand discovery is essential to building a memorable and successful brand experience by uncovering the unique qualities that define your company and what sets it apart. Our branding team will research your industry, audience, and competition to craft a brand that accurately reflects your business and resonates with your target audience. With OrangeSprocket, you can trust that your brand will be expertly crafted, leaving a lasting impression on your customers.

Market Research and Insights

Market research and insights are the keys to understanding your customers and your place in the market. We gather valuable intel about your target audience and industry, analyze data, trends, and customer behaviour, and give you a deep understanding of the market you operate in. This information is essential for informed decision-making, brand strategy, and future growth.

Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder Interviews are a vital component of brand discovery. Our team will chat with key organizational stakeholders to better understand your company’s vision, values, and goals. These in-depth conversations provide valuable insights into the heart of your business and help us craft a brand that truly represents who you are and what you stand for.

Requirements Gathering

We believe a well-defined set of requirements is the foundation for a successful brand strategy. We’ll work with you to identify your company’s specific needs, goals, and objectives. This information is critical in helping us understand your brand requirements and to develop the various components that make up your brand such as your brand strategy, identity, collateral, tone of voice and much more.

Defining Your Target Audience

We believe that the key to creating an effective brand lies in knowing your audience inside and out. By defining your target audience, you can better understand their wants and needs and tailor your messaging and marketing strategies accordingly. We’ll work with you to understand your target audience, helping you to create a brand that connects with the people that matter most.

Review Market and Competitor Analysis

We understand the value of a comprehensive market and competitor analysis. We believe that to stand out in a crowded marketplace; you must deeply understand the landscape in which you operate. Our market and competitor analysis is a critical step in the brand discovery and research process. We’ll examine your industry, understand your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses, and gain insights that will inform your branding strategy.

Evaluate Brand Awareness and Equity

We understand the critical importance of brand awareness. It sets a brand apart from the rest. We’ll take a thorough approach to evaluate your situation. We’ll look at everything from your brand’s reputation and perception to your marketing efforts and overall presence in the marketplace. By gaining a deep understanding of your brand’s current standing, we’ll be able to make informed recommendations to build your brand’s place in the market.

Brand Strategy & Positioning

We believe a strong brand strategy is crucial to success in today's competitive online marketplace. We'll help develop a clear, concise brand strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors and connects with your audience. By defining your unique value proposition, target audience, and brand promise, we'll help you establish a foundation for your brand and position you for success.

Positioning Your Brand for Success

Positioning is the foundation upon which a successful brand is built. We’ll work with you to establish your brand’s unique position in the marketplace, help you stand out from the crowd, and engage in a meaningful way with your target audience. We’ll develop a positioning strategy that sets you apart, differentiates you from your competitors, and better positions your brand for success.

Visual Brand Strategy and Creative Direction 

A well-crafted visual brand strategy is one of the keys to capturing and keeping the attention of your target audience. We’ll work with you to develop a visual brand strategy that showcases your unique value proposition, connects with your audience, and sets you apart from your competitors. From colour palettes to typography, we’ll guide you through creating a visual identity that truly represents your brand.

Establishing Your Brand Architecture 

A well-structured brand architecture ties your brand together, creating a seamless and cohesive customer experience. We’ll work with you to develop a brand architecture that clearly defines your brand hierarchy, messaging, and visual identity. By establishing a clear and concise brand architecture, you’ll be able to communicate your brand’s unique value proposition more effectively, build brand equity, and position your brand for success.

Brand and Product Naming

We understand the power of a great name. The right name can make all the difference when it comes to your brand and your products. We’ll help you create a name that best reflects your brand’s values, personality, and unique selling proposition. Together we’ll craft a memorable name that will help you stand out in the market, ensuring that your brand and products make a lasting impression.

Brand Personality and Tone

Brand personality and tone are the defining elements that give a brand life and meaning. They create an emotional connection with audiences, making the brand more memorable and relatable. It’s more than just the visual identity; the character and voice can set your brand apart from your competition. Defining your brand’s unique personality and tone through all touchpoints elevates your brand’s connection with your audience.

Developing a Brand Content Strategy

A brand content strategy is one of the pillars of a successful brand. It defines what the brand stands for, what it has to say and how it says it. We’ll help you develop content strategies that are aligned with your brand’s personality and tone, positioning it for success in the marketplace. From messaging to visual storytelling, we’ll help you create a compelling brand content strategy to engage and inspire your target audience.

Brand Identity Design

A logo is more than just a symbol; it's the face of your brand, embodying your brand's personality and communicating its purpose effectively. The right logo and brand identity can make all the difference in how your brand is perceived and remembered. Let's make a lasting impression together.

Brand Identity and Logo Design

Brand identity and logo design represent a brand’s personality, values, and purpose. It’s the culmination of a brand’s essence, making it instantly recognizable and memorable. We create visually stunning logos and identities that capture your brand’s heart. From concept to final delivery, we’ll work hard to develop an identity that accurately reflects your brand and connects with your audience in a meaningful way.

Brand Guidelines Design

Brand Guidelines ensure consistency in the representation of your brand across all touchpoints. A well-designed set of guidelines can significantly impact the perceived value of your brand. We can create comprehensive brand guidelines that outline your brand’s visual elements and also provide guidance on messaging, tone, and overall brand usage.

Print and Brand Collateral Design

Print and branded collateral materials are essential for your brand recognition. Strategically designed, these materials can help to differentiate your business from the competition. Creating visual pieces such as brochures, flyers, posters, business cards, displays, and other promotional items extends your brand’s reach. It reinforces your image and credibility and effectively communicates the brand’s values and message to its target audience.

Product and Package Design

Product and package design is integral to a brand’s identity and should be created with creativity and intelligence. A well-designed package can leave a lasting impression on customers, driving brand recognition and consumer loyalty. We use our keen eye for detail and design expertise to create aesthetically pleasing, practical, and functional packages that stand apart on store shelves.

Wayfinding Design

Wayfinding design is the art of guiding individuals through physical spaces with clarity and ease. We combine user experience, intelligence and creativity to craft wayfinding systems that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. From signs and maps to digital displays, we design wayfinding solutions that simplify navigation, enhance the user experience, and reinforce the brand’s visual identity.

Motion and Video Design

Motion and video bring your brand to life with dynamic and engaging visuals that captivate and educate your audience. Our animators and video effects editors combine cleverness and creativity to craft motion graphics and videos that are visually stunning and effective at communicating your brand message. Whether it’s an animated logo or a promotional video, we design content that is memorable, impactful, and aligned with the brand’s visual identity.

Digital and Graphic Design

We create compelling and creative presentation designs, promotional sales materials, tradeshow displays, illustrations, packaging, and copywriting that bring your brand to life. We understand the art of visual storytelling, combining strategy and aesthetics to create impactful and memorable digital experiences with a focus on delivering measurable results.

Product and Promotional Sales Materials

We design sales materials that communicate your unique value proposition, inspiring trust and loyalty in your audience, from brochures and flyers to product catalogues and information sheets that effectively sell your products and services. We combine strategy, aesthetics, and marketing expertise to create sales materials that generate leads and drive sales.

Presentation and Slide-Deck Design

Make an impact with every slide presentation you do. Our designers combine innovative design and brand experience to create visual narratives that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. From investor pitch decks to educational presentations, we’ll help you elevate your brand image and communicate your message with clarity and style.

Trade Show and Display Design

Make your next trade show a memorable event with a trade show booth or display that captures your audience’s attention and leaves a lasting impact. Our designers blend creativity and industry experience to design displays that perfectly showcase your brand’s product or service. Stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression at your next trade show with our trade show and display design services.

Branded Packaging Design

Transform your product packaging into a powerful marketing tool with our branded packaging design services. We design packaging that protects your product, communicates your brand message and leaves a lasting impression and stands out on the shelves. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that your packaging accurately reflects your brand image and makes a powerful statement at every touchpoint.

Custom Illustration and Iconography

Bring your brand to life with custom illustrations and iconography that captivates and inspires your audience. Our talented illustrators craft unique, engaging illustrated visuals that reflect your brand identity and communicate your message with technique and influence. Whether you need illustrations for your website, marketing materials, or product packaging, we’ll ensure that your custom illustrations accurately reflect your brand and produce results.

Copywriting and Copyediting

Transform your next trade show into an unforgettable experience with our expert trade show and conference design services. OrangeSprocket specializes in creating custom booth designs, display banners, and interactive features to captivate your audience and showcase your brand in the best possible light. We create 3D trade show booth designs and renders to give you a sneak peek of your booth’s appearance before the big day, ensuring that everything is perfect and ready to wow your visitors.

Branded Website Design

As a branding agency, we understand the significance of an effective online brand presence. We specialize in creating comprehensive website design strategies employing a holistic approach, including sitemaps and architecture, wireframing and prototyping, content strategy, UX & UI design, and copywriting. We aim to provide a seamless user experience that accurately represents your brand's tone and messaging. With technology and creativity, we bring your web brand to life.

Website Sitemaps and Architecture 

The sitemap and architecture of a website are its foundation, much like the blueprint of a building. A sitemap is a visual representation of your site’s structure, outlining the different pages and sections of the site and how they relate to one another. The architecture refers to the technical details of how your website is built, including its design, functionality, and organization. Together, the sitemap and architecture are used to plan and create a website that is both user-friendly and effective. A well-designed sitemap and architecture can also improve search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for users to find the site through search engines.

Website Wireframes and Prototyping

Your website is the face of your brand. It’s the first thing people see when searching for your brand online, so making a lasting first impression is essential. We believe a great website should not only look good but also be easy to use. Our web design and development team will create a website that showcases your brand and provides a seamless user experience. We apply what we learn in discovery, wireframing and prototyping to create a visually appealing and functional website. Our developers also ensure your website runs quickly and smoothly, giving visitors the best online experience. Plus, most of our websites are built on the popular WordPress platform, making managing your website easy.

Website Content Strategy

The content of your website is the voice of your brand, the story you tell. A well-crafted website content strategy ensures that your message is clear, consistent, and effectively communicated to your audience. Our copywriters work with you to define your brand’s unique voice and develop a content strategy that aligns with your goals. Whether through powerful copywriting, compelling images, or engaging videos, this strategy will help ensure that your website tells your brand’s story in the most impactful and memorable way possible. Additionally, a solid content strategy can improve search engine optimization (SEO) results, making it easier for consumers to find you online.

Website Design and Development

Your website is the face of your brand. It’s the first thing people see when searching for your brand online, so making a lasting first impression is essential. We believe a great website should not only look good but also be easy to use. Our web design and development team will create a website that showcases your brand and provides a seamless user experience. We apply what we learn in discovery, wireframing and prototyping to create a visually appealing and functional website. Our developers also ensure your website runs quickly and smoothly, giving visitors the best online experience. Plus, most of our websites are built on WordPress, making managing your website easy.

Promoting Your Brand

Promoting your brand can be an intimidating task. With so many options, such as social media, outdoor advertising, Pay-Per-Click, TikTok ads, Facebook advertising, Instagram ads, email campaigns, content marketing, and more, it can be highly overwhelming to know where to start. Our goal is to help you understand how to promote your unique brand and what channels make the most sense for your specific needs. We'll help guide you through the process and navigate through it.

Build Your Brand with Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help establish your brand as a thought leader while building brand awareness. It’s essential to engage your audience and build a loyal following by creating valuable content such as blog posts, social media posts, infographics, and videos. Content marketing is often used to build relationships with your audience, providing them with helpful, informative, or entertaining content that meets their needs and interests. Content marketing is often used in conjunction with other marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization, social media and email marketing, and paid advertising to drive traffic and conversions.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses looking to promote their products and services. From TikTok to Facebook advertising and Instagram ads, social media has the potential to help brands reach new audiences and engage with their customers in unique ways. At our branding agency, we specialize in creating innovative and effective social media marketing campaigns for startups, small businesses and technology focused companies. Whether you are looking to increase your social media presence, drive more traffic to your website, or generate more leads and sales, our social media marketing services can help take your business to the next level.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial to any successful branding strategy. Optimizing your website for Google Search, Bing, and other search engines can increase your online visibility and be more easily found by consumers of your products or services. Our experienced SEO specialists use the latest industry trends and technologies to develop a strategy tailored to your business. We use a data-driven approach to analyze your website, identify improvement areas, and create a customized plan that meets your unique goals, helping you reach your target audience and increase your online visibility.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

We believe in driving tangible results through targeted Paid Search Advertising (PPC) solutions designed to get your business noticed online. Our advertising solutions are tailored to help startups, small businesses, and technology companies achieve their marketing and sales goals. We have a deep understanding of Google and Bing search, allowing us to create highly customized advertising campaigns that reach your target audience. Our PPC services include campaign development, keyword research, ad creation, bid management, and ongoing optimization and are designed to help you drive traffic, generate leads, and increase revenue.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to reach your audience and promote your products and services. It allows you to send personalized and engaging messages that can help drive conversions and build brand awareness. Our team is skilled at crafting persuasive email campaigns tailored to your audience that align with your brand’s messaging. We focus on driving consumer engagement and specialize in email campaign integrations with MailChimp, Active Campaign and Constant Contact. Our email marketing campaigns are custom-tailored, designed and developed to meet your precise needs.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Transform your next trade show into an unforgettable experience with our expert trade show and conference design services. OrangeSprocket specializes in creating custom booth designs, display banners, and interactive features to captivate your audience and showcase your brand in the best possible light. We create 3D trade show booth designs and renders to give you a sneak peek of your booth’s appearance before the big day, ensuring that everything is perfect and ready to wow your visitors. Whether you’re a startup, small business, or technology company, our trade show design services will help you make a lasting impact.

Product Marketing Videos

At OrangeSprocket, we believe that the power of video marketing can transform your brand’s presence. Our product and corporate video marketing design services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From engaging product demos and animated videos to insightful interviews and heartfelt testimonial videos, our video marketing is designed to captivate your target audience. Our team is well-versed in producing video content for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and social media. As a result, we can help you leverage the power of video content to broaden your reach and increase your brand’s visibility.


Out-of-home advertising

Looking to promote your business, products, or services? Out-of-home advertising or outdoor advertising may be the ideal solution for you. This type of advertising targets audiences in public spaces through billboards, bus shelters, benches, transit vehicles, digital billboards and more. At OrangeSprocket, we create effective out-of-home advertising campaigns that capture consumer attention. Our focus is on crafting campaigns that stand out, whether you need to promote a new product, build brand awareness or reach a new audience. If you want to take your marketing strategy to the next level, consider the benefits of out-of-home advertising.

We appreciate all the quick and professional work you’ve provided on this video. It’s a pleasure to work with the OrangeSprocket team!

Denise S.

American Academy of Neurology

Phenomenal, thank you SO much --these are beautiful! -- truly looks awesome!!

Elise L.


Thanks team for the incredible work and quick turnaround!!!!!!! 🙏 🙌 🎉

Michelle S.


You guys are LEGENDARY!

Marketing Group


...wanted to let you know we had a chance to meet internally... it's really looking FANTASTIC! Thank you ... for your beautiful work, we're so excited!...

Elise L.


Approved! This is incredible, I am speechless 😊

Natalie Y.

Vance Street Capital

You guys are simply awesome! Thank you so much!! I hope to inspire many more tonight to elevate their mindstate with your creative work!

Frederik P.


The completed Kick-Off illustrations look AMAZING - thank you so much 🙂

Natalya M.


You are amazing!!!!! Thank you so much!

Michelle S.


I first just wanted to say the work you and the OrangeSprocket team are doing here is IN-CRED-IBLEEEE!!!! I am loving it all and I am so appreciative of your amazingly beautiful and fast work! ABSOLUTELY loved the work being done on the Google Site option!

Cody G.


You all rock! "See you" in a few weeks with stories to tell!

Omeed R.


Pretty sure that this is possibly the best promo we've done as far as how many people it's reached. Well done!

Chris D.

Chatham Honda

Oh wow! This is awesome, Bill! I took a quick look and I am loving what I see. I think I got goosebumps when I looked at it.

Lemar W.


Holy moly - this is wonderful! Honestly, I'm blown away - you have moved so quickly and have come up with something so beautiful. I honestly don't think I'd change anything :)

Natalya M.


That is about 1000% better -- perfect. thank you!

Julie V.


"AMAZING" and "GREAT" are just a couple of the words they used. Great job!!!

Amanda J.

Verana Health

Awesome work! Thank you so much for capturing our thoughts so well! 👌🏾

Brittany C.


Amazing work! WOW WOW WOW team!

Nicole B.

Assumption Life

Fantastic, thank you so much! Looks really wonderful! It's really looking FANTASTIC! Thank you for your patience on that piece, and for your beautiful work, we're so excited!

Elise L.


Amazing -- thanks, OS guys! Great work, as always!

Laura B.


You're miracle workers! OS team -- WE 🧡 the site. Stellar work, as always, folks!

Laura B.


The design looks modern and thoughtful and the UX is smooth and on point!

Team at MoneyGenius


BTW, you guys did an amazing job on this campaign that we have going. I'm a huge fan of all of your work!

Gilles R.

Money Genius

Just wanted to thank you for the awesome work getting the event materials done so beautifully and speedily... You're a pleasure to work with, and always deliver over and above - look forward to many more projects!

Ben H.


Wow, I am BLOWN AWAY by your talent and creativity!!!

Michelle S.


The talent on this team is seriously impressive! Nice work y'all!

Julian H.


I love this redesign so much!! The new menu! I love it, it's so beautiful!!

Team at MoneyGenius


OH. MY. GOSH. It is beyond beautiful!

Team at MoneyGenius


@OrangeSprocket - these are looking SO GOOD!! Keep it up!

Justin W.


THANK YOU SO MUCH, OS TEAM! You all have been such a pleasure to work with!!

Brittany C.


I’m chiming in late, but all of this look amazing, thank you, team!

Karine F.


From the whole Google project team, thank you for the incredible partnership in creating our playbook. We're grateful for the open communication, effective collaboration and the fun creativity you were able to weave into this project. It has been a pleasure!

Jessie W.


You guys are a fun and awesome team. Love working with you!!! 😃

Amanda J.

Verana Health

This redesign is mind-bogglingly beautiful. I am in awe.

Team at MoneyGenius

Money Genius

I did a final review of the assets and they are looking INCREDIBLE!!

Cody G.


Echoing Jessie, thanks team OS for all of your amazing work!

Jonah B.


Absolutely brilliant!!!!!! Such beautiful work - this has been such a gift to us. You all are so incredibly talented. Thank you so much! I think we are all SET! We so appreciate this quick turnaround and your wonderful partnership!

Michelle S.
