Web Design & Development

Our Website Design Process

We employ a Lean UX Design process taking a holistic approach to user experience, design, and development. We do our best to understand your market, audience and core business drivers in-depth so that we can correlate every design and development decision directly back to helping you achieve your business goals. At the heart of our website design process, we focus on catering to startups, small businesses, technology companies, and those needing rebranding. Our method comprises six key stages that guarantee a seamless and effective outcome.

Website Discovery and Target Research

The first step, Website Discovery and Target Research, involve understanding your business goals and target audience. We analyze your industry, competitors, and customer needs, ensuring our design strategy aligns with your objectives. By gaining deep insights into your market and target audience’s preferences, we create a tailored website that resonates with your visitors and effectively drives results for your business.

Website Strategy and Content Planning

During Website Strategy and Content Planning, we help you outline your site structure and content. This includes leveraging SEO content strategies relevant to your industry to optimize your site for search engines and enhance online visibility. Using a strategic mix of relevant keywords and creating content that genuinely connects with your target audience can improve your website’s search rankings and deliver a meaningful and engaging experience.

Website UX and Creative Design

The third stage, Website UX and Creative Design, focuses on crafting a visually appealing and functional site. Our designers prioritize responsive UI/UX design, user-friendly navigation, and web accessibility standards, resulting in a mobile-responsive website that engages users across devices. This attention to detail ensures a seamless browsing experience for all visitors, regardless of their device or screen size.

Web Development, Quality Assurance, and Testing

Once the design is finalized and approved, our team starts with Web Development, Quality Assurance, and Testing. Using modern HTML5 and CSS3 coding practices, we ensure cross-browser compatibility and that your website adheres to website development best practices. Our meticulous testing process guarantees a flawless user experience, ensuring you have a technically sound, modern and effective website.

Launch Your Newly Developed Website

Launching Your Newly Developed Website marks an exciting milestone when your site goes live. Our team goes the extra mile to ensure a seamless launch by applying website optimization techniques and optimization strategies, including cross-browser compatibility checks and design adjustments while adhering to responsive design best practices. With our thorough approach, we help lay the foundation for your website’s long-term success and growth in a competitive online landscape.

Manage, Maintain, and Grow Your Site

Managing, maintaining, monitoring and growing your site is an ongoing process. We provide support to ensure that your website remains up-to-date with the latest WordPress security and third-party plugin updates. We monitor your site for server downtime, speed issues, broken links and any search engine-related technical problems that may affect your website’s ranking or user experience. By partnering with us, your website will evolve with your business, keeping it ahead of the curve.

Responsive Web and Mobile Design

Responsive Web & Mobile Design has the power to transform your presence online. Our expert web development team craft seamless, mobile-friendly experiences that captivate users across devices, boosting user engagement & conversion rates while enhancing your brand's online visibility in a mobile device-driven world.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is a crucial aspect of building an online presence for businesses, organizations, and brands. It ensures that visitors have an optimal browsing experience, regardless of their device. Companies can create seamless user experiences across various devices by implementing adaptive web design techniques, improving user engagement and conversion rates. Companies should prioritize responsive web design to stay relevant with the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing.

Mobile-first Design

As of 2021, about 50-55% of global website traffic originates from mobile devices making mobile-first design an essential strategy for modern-day businesses online. This approach prioritizes the mobile user experience by designing for smaller screens and gradually enhancing features for larger devices. By adopting a mobile-first design methodology, companies can cater to the increasing number of mobile users and ensure their website is easily accessible to their target audience.

Cross-browser Compatibility

Cross-browser compatibility is a vital component of responsive web development. Ensuring that a website functions consistently across different web browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge enhances its usability, providing users with a seamless browsing experience. OrangeSprocket specializes in responsive web design, ensuring that your site adheres to web accessibility standards while offering a visually appealing and functional website for users on various browsers.

HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3 play a significant role in creating device-agnostic web designs enabling our developers to build visually appealing and highly functional websites that adapt to different devices and screen sizes. Using modern technologies improves website accessibility, making it easier for users with disabilities to interact with and navigate your site, ultimately fostering a more inclusive digital environment. HTML5 and CSS3 ensure your websites are compatible with web standards and offer optimal performance.

Front-end Development

Front-end development is a critical aspect of crafting a responsive website. A well-executed front-end development process involves implementing website optimization techniques and mobile optimization practices. These strategies ensure that your site loads quickly and efficiently on different devices, providing users with a smooth and engaging browsing experience. Effective front-end development contributes to better search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines like Google prioritize websites with fast loading times, mobile-friendliness, and user-friendly navigation.

Responsive Design Best Practices

Adhering to responsive design best practices is vital for businesses looking to create an effective online presence. By investing in responsive design services and working with an experienced web design agency, companies can develop mobile-responsive websites that meet the needs of their audiences. A well-designed, responsive site improves user satisfaction and enhances the company’s online visibility. Keeping up with the latest design trends and technological advancements ensures that your website remains relevant in the ever-changing online landscape.

Landing Page Design & Development ←

We're here to help your business grow by creating stunning, high-converting landing pages tailored to your unique needs. Combining captivating design, persuasive copy, and seamless functionality, our landing pages are designed to engage your audience and drive results. Let us optimize your online presence, boost conversions, and elevate your marketing campaigns!

Campaign Landing Page Design

Boost your marketing campaigns with our tailor-made landing page designs. We focus on creating pages that captivate your target audience and encourage them to take action. Our designs incorporate key elements like engaging visuals, persuasive copy, and effective call-to-action buttons to drive conversions.

Landing Page Development

Our landing page development services make sure your pages are not only visually appealing but also fully functional. We build pages with clean code, fast loading times, and seamless integration with your existing marketing tools to provide a smooth user experience and optimize conversions.

Sales Funnel Landing Page Design

We create effective sales funnel landing pages that guide your visitors through the buyer’s journey. Our designs focus on addressing your audience’s pain points and showcasing the value of your solution. We strategically place calls-to-action and trust-building elements to help move visitors towards conversion.

Conversion-Focused Landing Page Design

Our primary goal is to help you increase conversions. We use conversion-focused design principles and best practices to create landing pages that effectively persuade your visitors to take the desired action. We analyze user behaviour and optimize design elements to maximize conversion rates.

Lead Generation Landing Pages

We create lead generation landing pages that effectively capture your audience’s interest and encourage them to share their contact information. By combining persuasive copy, eye-catching visuals, and strategically placed forms, we help you build a solid foundation for nurturing long-term customer relationships.

Mobile-Responsive Landing Pages

With the majority of users accessing websites on mobile devices, it’s crucial to have mobile-responsive landing pages. Our designs adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for your visitors, no matter how they access your page.

A/B Testing for Landing Pages

Our A/B testing services help you find the best-performing landing page version by comparing different design elements, copy, and calls-to-action. We continually monitor and analyze data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your pages for the highest possible conversion rates.

Ecommerce Landing Pages

Maximize your online store’s revenue with our ecommerce landing page design services. We create pages that showcase your products, highlight their benefits, and guide visitors through the buying process. Our designs emphasize trust, usability, and persuasive elements to encourage visitors to make a purchase.

WordPress Website Development

With WordPress, we harness the power of this leading content management system (CMS), known for its adaptability, ease of use, and extensive customization capabilities, to propel your business forward and create a memorable brand experience.

WordPress is User-friendly

WordPress delivers a user-friendly experience with an intuitive interface that simplifies content management and site updates, allowing even beginners to easily maintain their online presence. This approachability encourages more businesses to adopt WordPress as their website platform of choice.

WordPress is Flexible

The flexibility of WordPress is unparalleled, thanks to its extensive library of plugins and third-party integrations. This allows for creating of diverse websites, ranging from blogs and e-commerce platforms to portfolios and corporate sites, tailored to your unique business needs.

WordPress is SEO-friendly

One of the many advantages of WordPress is its inherent SEO-friendly design. With features that prioritize search engine optimization, your website can achieve higher rankings on search results pages, driving organic traffic and increasing visibility.

WordPress is Scalable

Scalability is a significant factor for a growing business, and WordPress excels in this aspect. WordPress adapts as your online presence expands to accommodate increased traffic and content, ensuring your website remains efficient and effective.

WordPress – Most Popular CMS 

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) worldwide, powering over one-third of all websites on the internet. Its versatility, user-friendliness, and extensive customization options have contributed to its widespread adoption among businesses and individuals.

WordPress has Frequent Updates and Improvements

WordPress is known for its frequent updates and improvements, including new features, security patches, and performance enhancements. These regular updates maintain its reputation as a reliable and secure platform for website development.

WordPress is Cost-effective

As an open-source platform, WordPress is cost-effective, reducing initial expenses for website development. The availability of free and premium themes and plugins further allows for budget-friendly customization, meeting your business’s specific requirements.

WordPress Multilingual Support

Multilingual support is another significant advantage of WordPress. With numerous language options and plugins for creating multilingual sites, your website can cater to a global audience, broadening your reach and market potential.

WordPress Easy Third-Party Integration

WordPress enables easy integration with various third-party tools and services, such as email marketing platforms, social media networks, and analytics software. This seamless integration streamlines your digital marketing efforts and optimizes website performance.

WordPress E-commerce capabilities

E-commerce capabilities in WordPress are robust, thanks to WooCommerce and Shopify plugins. These tools transform your website into a powerful e-commerce platform, allowing you to easily sell products and services online and grow your revenue.

E-commerce Design and Development

We design e-commerce websites that help your brand sell more products online. We create custom online stores that work on any platform, integrations with Shopify, Woocommerce, and WordPress, and secure shopping experiences. This makes sure your business succeeds in the competitive online market.

Custom Branded Online E-commerce Store Design

Elevate your brand with a custom-designed online e-commerce store that reflects your unique identity. We craft responsive e-commerce web designs that captivate customers while providing a seamless shopping experience. Our team skillfully integrates your brand’s visual elements into the online storefront, making sure a cohesive, polished presence.

Shopify E-commerce Design and Development

Leverage the power of Shopify for your online store. Our team specializes in creating stunning, user-friendly Shopify designs that drive traffic and convert visitors into customers. With Shopify customization and seamless WordPress integration, we’ll help you build a thriving e-commerce business.

WordPress E-commerce Integration

Combine the flexibility of WordPress with powerful e-commerce capabilities. We excel at integrating WooCommerce into your existing WordPress site, creating an online store that’s easy to manage and fully customizable. Expand your reach and maximize sales with our expert WooCommerce design and development services.

Accept Online Payments

Streamline your online store with secure, user-friendly payment gateway integration. We make it simple for your customers to complete transactions using popular payment methods, ensuring a fast and easy checkout experience. With safe and secure online payments, your store will inspire trust and confidence.

Sell Your Products Globally

Unlock your store’s potential and tap into international markets. Our e-commerce solutions enable you to sell in multiple currencies, catering to customers worldwide. Integrated shipping options make it easy to manage and fulfill orders, providing a seamless shopping experience for your global audience.

Integrated E-commerce Marketing Tools

Drive growth and increase sales with our suite of integrated marketing tools. We incorporate social media integration and other strategies to generate traffic, build your brand, and engage your audience. Let us help you create targeted, effective campaigns that resonate with your customers.

Grow Your E-commerce Business Online

Take your online store to new heights with our comprehensive e-commerce solutions. We focus on conversion rate optimization and shopping cart enhancements to maximize sales and improve customer satisfaction. With our expert guidance, you’ll be well-equipped to manage stock, orders, and inventory control as your business expands.

Safe and Secure Online Shopping

Provide your customers with a safe and secure shopping environment. We prioritize data protection and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information. Trust in our expertise to create an online store that meets industry standards, giving you and your customers peace of mind while browsing and purchasing products.

Website Content Strategy & Copywriting

With a focus on user experience and storytelling, we help you develop content that captivates your audience and drives conversions. Our tailored solutions cover everything from headline creation and calls-to-action, to content planning and optimization. Trust us to deliver results-driven content that reflects your unique brand identity and speaks to your target persona. Together, we'll build a strong foundation for your online success.

Why Website Content Strategy Matters

A solid website content strategy is essential for driving user engagement, enhancing search engine optimization, and aligning with business goals. Developing an effective content strategy helps attract your target audience, deliver valuable information, and drive conversions, ultimately contributing to your bottom line.

Crafting Your Brand Voice

Consistent brand voice is crucial for resonating with your audience, building brand loyalty, and setting yourself apart from competitors. Identifying and developing a unique tone of voice makes sure your website copy and content marketing efforts are cohesive and impactful.

Writing Effective Headlines and Subheadings

Headlines and subheadings play a vital role in capturing your audience’s attention and guiding them through your website. Using best practises for crafting engaging headlines can improve user experience, encourage content consumption, and boost your SEO rankings.

Content Planning and Organization

Strategic content planning and organization ensures your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. By arranging content, logically, prioritizing essential information, and maintaining a clean layout, you create a positive user experience that fosters trust and drives conversions.

Using Calls to Action

Incorporating persuasive calls to action (CTAs) in your website content is key for motivating your visitors to take ‌desired actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Effective CTAs are clear, concise, and prominently placed to maximize conversion rates.

Crafting Compelling Product Descriptions

Well-written product descriptions not only provide accurate information but also entice users to buy. By highlighting unique features, benefits, and value propositions, you can create persuasive copy that drives sales and enhances your website’s overall effectiveness.

Measuring the Success of Your Content

Tracking and measuring content performance allows you to make data-driven decisions about your website content strategy. Using analytics, you can assess metrics like user engagement, bounce rate, and conversion rate optimization to refine your content and continuously improve its impact.

Writing for Different Platforms

Adapting your content strategy for various platforms, including social media, blogs, and email newsletters, helps you reach your audience effectively. Understanding the nuances of each platform’s writing style, format, and length makes sure your content resonates and achieves its intended goals.

Website Monitoring and Maintenance

Our comprehensive website monitoring and maintenance services are designed to keep your online presence secure and optimized. We offer round-the-clock website uptime monitoring, robust security measures, performance optimization, and seamless website updates. With our dedicated technical support, you can focus on growing your business while we maintain your site's peak performance and user experience.

Real-Time Website Monitoring

We keep a watchful eye on your website’s performance, uptime, and response times around the clock. Our real-time monitoring ensures you’re promptly alerted to any potential issues, allowing for swift resolution and minimal disruption to your online presence.

Scheduled Maintenance and Updates

Your website’s security and performance depend on regular maintenance. We manage updates for plugins, themes, and core software, making sure your site stays optimized, functional, and secure for a seamless user experience.

Security and Vulnerability Scanning

Proactive security measures are crucial to protect your website from threats. Our services include regular vulnerability scans and malware detection, ensuring your site remains safe and your customers’ data is secure.

Performance Optimization and Speed

Fast-loading websites are essential for user satisfaction. Our optimization services focus on improving load times and overall performance through image optimization, caching, and minification of CSS and JavaScript files.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

We prioritize regular, secure backups to safeguard your website data. In case of unforeseen events, our disaster recovery solutions minimize downtime and data loss, getting your site back up and running quickly.

Customized Support and Reporting

We offer tailored support packages and detailed performance reports to suit your unique needs. Our personalized approach helps you understand your website’s health, growth, and areas for improvement, ensuring a strong online presence.

Comprehensive WordPress Core Updates

Stay ahead with our expertise in updating your WordPress installations. We ensure your site is secure, stable, and high-performing by implementing the latest security patches, feature enhancements, and bug fixes.

Third-Party Plugin and Module Management

Managing and updating third-party WordPress plugins and modules is essential for a seamless user experience. We dedicate ourselves to minimizing compatibility issues, enhancing performance, and maintaining a smooth online presence for your clients’ websites.

Email Marketing and Design

Our digital design agency specializes in email marketing and design, creating personalized and engaging email campaigns for your audience. We create custom email templates seamlessly integrating with popular platforms such as MailChimp, Active Campaign, and Constant Contact.

Email Marketing

We offer comprehensive email marketing services to help you connect with your audience effectively. Our strategies incorporate email marketing best practises, personalized content, and data-driven insights to increase open rates, click-through rates, and overall ROI. With our email marketing management, you can focus on growing your business while we handle the details.

Email Template Design and Development

Our email template design and development services create visually appealing and responsive emails tailored to your brand. We specialize in custom email template designs and HTML email templates, making sure your campaigns look great across devices and email clients. Enhance your message and engage your audience with our stunning designs.

MailChimp Email Marketing Integration

We can seamlessly integrate MailChimp into your email marketing strategy, leveraging its powerful features and user-friendly interface. Our team will set up and manage your campaigns, create custom templates, and automate workflows to help you reach your target audience effectively while saving time and resources.

Active Campaign Email Marketing Integration

Integrating Active Campaign into your email marketing efforts enables you to harness its robust capabilities for personalized, targeted campaigns. We’ll design and implement custom email templates, automated workflows, and segmentation strategies, optimizing your email marketing for increased engagement and conversions.

Constant Contact Email Marketing Integration

Use the full potential of Constant Contact with our email marketing integration services. We’ll create custom email templates, manage campaigns, and implement email marketing strategies tailored to your business goals. Our team ensures that your Constant Contact campaigns are optimized for maximum results.

Custom HTML Email Templates

Our custom HTML email templates are designed to make your email campaigns stand out. We craft unique, responsive designs that align with your brand identity and perform well on various devices and email clients. With our custom email templates, your message will resonate with your audience and drive engagement.

Email Marketing Automation

Save time and improve results with our email marketing automation services. We’ll set up automated workflows, triggered campaigns, and personalized content to engage your subscribers and increase conversions. Our data-driven approach ensures that your email marketing efforts are always optimized and efficient.

Email List Management and Segmentation

Maximize the effectiveness of your email campaigns with our email list management and segmentation services. We’ll help you organize your subscriber data, create targeted segments, and implement strategies to increase engagement and conversions. With our expertise, you can send the right message to the right audience at the right time.

We appreciate all the quick and professional work you’ve provided on this video. It’s a pleasure to work with the OrangeSprocket team!

Denise S.

American Academy of Neurology

You guys are LEGENDARY!

Marketing Group


You guys are simply awesome! Thank you so much!! I hope to inspire many more tonight to elevate their mindstate with your creative work!

Frederik P.


THANK YOU SO MUCH, OS TEAM! You all have been such a pleasure to work with!!

Brittany C.


Absolutely brilliant!!!!!! Such beautiful work - this has been such a gift to us. You all are so incredibly talented. Thank you so much! I think we are all SET! We so appreciate this quick turnaround and your wonderful partnership!

Michelle S.


You guys are a fun and awesome team. Love working with you!!! 😃

Amanda J.

Verana Health

...wanted to let you know we had a chance to meet internally... it's really looking FANTASTIC! Thank you ... for your beautiful work, we're so excited!...

Elise L.


Fantastic, thank you so much! Looks really wonderful! It's really looking FANTASTIC! Thank you for your patience on that piece, and for your beautiful work, we're so excited!

Elise L.


Awesome work! Thank you so much for capturing our thoughts so well! 👌🏾

Brittany C.


The completed Kick-Off illustrations look AMAZING - thank you so much 🙂

Natalya M.


You all rock! "See you" in a few weeks with stories to tell!

Omeed R.


Approved! This is incredible, I am speechless 😊

Natalie Y.

Vance Street Capital

Pretty sure that this is possibly the best promo we've done as far as how many people it's reached. Well done!

Chris D.

Chatham Honda

Holy moly - this is wonderful! Honestly, I'm blown away - you have moved so quickly and have come up with something so beautiful. I honestly don't think I'd change anything :)

Natalya M.


Amazing work! WOW WOW WOW team!

Nicole B.

Assumption Life

The talent on this team is seriously impressive! Nice work y'all!

Julian H.


Echoing Jessie, thanks team OS for all of your amazing work!

Jonah B.


I’m chiming in late, but all of this look amazing, thank you, team!

Karine F.


Just wanted to thank you for the awesome work getting the event materials done so beautifully and speedily... You're a pleasure to work with, and always deliver over and above - look forward to many more projects!

Ben H.


Thanks team for the incredible work and quick turnaround!!!!!!! 🙏 🙌 🎉

Michelle S.


BTW, you guys did an amazing job on this campaign that we have going. I'm a huge fan of all of your work!

Gilles R.

Money Genius

OH. MY. GOSH. It is beyond beautiful!

Team at MoneyGenius


That is about 1000% better -- perfect. thank you!

Julie V.


"AMAZING" and "GREAT" are just a couple of the words they used. Great job!!!

Amanda J.

Verana Health

Oh wow! This is awesome, Bill! I took a quick look and I am loving what I see. I think I got goosebumps when I looked at it.

Lemar W.


This redesign is mind-bogglingly beautiful. I am in awe.

Team at MoneyGenius

Money Genius

From the whole Google project team, thank you for the incredible partnership in creating our playbook. We're grateful for the open communication, effective collaboration and the fun creativity you were able to weave into this project. It has been a pleasure!

Jessie W.


You are amazing!!!!! Thank you so much!

Michelle S.


I love this redesign so much!! The new menu! I love it, it's so beautiful!!

Team at MoneyGenius


@OrangeSprocket - these are looking SO GOOD!! Keep it up!

Justin W.


I first just wanted to say the work you and the OrangeSprocket team are doing here is IN-CRED-IBLEEEE!!!! I am loving it all and I am so appreciative of your amazingly beautiful and fast work! ABSOLUTELY loved the work being done on the Google Site option!

Cody G.


I did a final review of the assets and they are looking INCREDIBLE!!

Cody G.


Amazing -- thanks, OS guys! Great work, as always!

Laura B.


Wow, I am BLOWN AWAY by your talent and creativity!!!

Michelle S.


You're miracle workers! OS team -- WE 🧡 the site. Stellar work, as always, folks!

Laura B.


The design looks modern and thoughtful and the UX is smooth and on point!

Team at MoneyGenius


Phenomenal, thank you SO much --these are beautiful! -- truly looks awesome!!

Elise L.
